Live Mesh UAC no longer required

I got this email yesterday from the Live Mesh team


  1. Live Mesh is now available in all English-speaking countries (not just the U.S.)

  2. Removed the User Account Control (UAC) requirement when installing and using Live Mesh with Windows Vista SP1

  3. Index for Desktop Search now works with Live Mesh folders

  4. Fixed bug where an underscore in a Hotmail account name returned an “Invalid Hotmail Address” error

  5. Fixed bug with Silverlight 2 Beta 2 failing to load in Silverlight Media View

  6. Fixed bug where the notifier tooltip incorrectly indicated that Live Mesh Remote Desktop was unavailable for a computer running in non-admin mode

  7. Fixed bug where the Live Mesh folder icon was not displayed in the e-mail inviting someone to share a folder

  8. Fixed one of the bugs that caused Live Mesh to fail to start

  9. Fixed problem with Live Mesh returning errors when waking from sleep/hibernate

It is great news that UAC is no longer required!


Live Mesh install on Windows Server 2008

I blogged here about not being able to install Live Mesh on Windows Server 2008, which I am running as my main workstation.

MsftGuy has a solution for this issue.  Basically you run the LiveMesh.exe from the command line with the -force argument.

Thanks for the tip! Helped me a lot


Live Mesh Technical Preview – An user perspective

Microsoft’s Live Mesh initiative looks like a truly innovative foray into the web enabled world for Microsoft. For all the advances in the web world , it is surprising that there is no unified document sharing and storage mechanism between our devices.

Live Mesh aims to solve some of the cloud storage issues and provides convenient ways to connect to your multiple computers

Click for more info on Live Mesh.

I signed up on Microsoft connect and recently received an invite to preview Live Mesh. This is super exciting and I hope to blog about my experiences here.

Stay Tuned!